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This documentation covers a greatly enhanced version of PC-TALK III. The
program has been licensed for posting on the CompuServe IBMPC SIG, by
express written permission of The Headlands Press, Inc. It may be freely
copied and distributed according to the terms of license given below.
===== F R E E W A R E =====
User-Supported Software
| If you have received this program from another user and |
| find it of value, your $35 contribution will be appreciated. |
| |
| === FREEWARE === |
| P.O. Box 862 |
| Tiburon, CA 94920 |
| |
| You are encouraged to copy this program as described below. |
| |
| ***NOTICE: Users of this program are granted a limited license to |
| make copies for trial use by others on a private, non-commercial |
| basis. This license does not include distribution: |
| |
| 1. In connection with any other product or service; |
| 2. For general use within a company or institution; |
| 3. For any consideration or 'disk fee'; or |
| 4. Distribution in modified form... Please cooperate. |
| |
| Copyright 1984, 1985 The Headlands Press, Inc. |
It is the first and the only version to date that has been awarded this
privilege by Andrew Fleugelman and The Headlands Press, Inc., to whom I
express my gratitude.
Due to its size, there are considerable difficulties involved in
producing an executable file, therefore only the executable program is
supplied and the basic source code is not included.
The updates provided in this version are so ramified and extensive that
exhaustive testing is simply not possible for me to do in a free program
Extensive testing has been done, by experienced beta testers, 3 of
whom are CompuServe SysOps. However, you may find either 'creature
comfort' or actual bugs.
Please let me know of any problems you may find or modes of operation
that would give you greater creature comfort. I'll get msgs left on CIS
on the IBM PC SIG (PCS-131).
-- Jim Gainsley (SysOp) CompuServe IBM PC SIG [76703,1007] --
Level 851111
(Documentation Revision 7.0)
by Jim Gainsley, 116 Third Ave N., Mpls MN 55401
(612) 338-6124 CompuServe [76703,1007] 11/11/85
Licensed for Posting on the CompuServe IBM PC SIG
by The PC-TALK III Copyright holder:
The Headlands Press, Inc. and Andrew Fluegelman
Copyright 1983, 1984, 1985
Though not positively confirmed, at this writing it is believed that
Andrew Fluegelman has passed away. I've done this work and
promulgated it, in the hope that it will benefit others, as much it
has benefited me. In addition, this work is now dedicated to his
memory, in the hope that it will serve to continue the philosophy of
useful affordable software, which Andrew pioneered.
The additions herein which I have written and compiled from the work
of others, which by themselves, now amount to more code than in the
total original program. Though I ask no remuneration, I do ask that
you, as a satisfied beneficiary of the product, make a special
effort in this circumstance to comply with the FREEWARE(tm)
principle founded by Fleugelman, and remit the suggested $35. to his
family business, the Headlands Press.
* * * * *
The chronological list of enhancements has grown very long, and my
versions of PC-TALK have become widely distributed and known to
many. Thus, the habit of maintaining a full listing is being
discontinued, to save users time and expense in downloading much
material which may be redundant or unimportant to them. Henceforth,
just the enhancements in the current version will be given.
There are many, many versions and modifications of PC-TALK III. The
license provides that my work will be denoted by the use of version
letters, A, B, C, and, I hope, etc!
1) ALT-N: Implements the use of the SHELL Command. This command
may also be used in Macros, and can access DOS command
sequences stored in the ALT-1/0 keys. Also, the CTTY command
can be used to provide remote operation of the computer.
2) CRC error checking has been added to the XMODEM file transfer
routines. Also, the speed of the Xmodem routines has been
greatly increased.
3) A 20-block moving average tabulation has been added to the
Xmodem receive screen and the screen has been re-organized.
Block xfer time indication has been added to the xmit screen.
An embedded "M" command allows reset of MAX TIME reading.
4) The ALT-F, Default Routine, has been rewritten, adding 10
additional user programmable defaults. NOTE: THE DEFAULT FILE,
PROGRAM!! You may now elect to send Line Feeds, alter the
default character for the macro command delimiter and the time
delay produced in a macro. 15 character positions have been
added to the MODEM INIT capacity. Also, this string is sent
when the Default routine is exited. A modem de-initialize
string has been provided, which is sent when you exit the
program. It is now possible to strip ASCII 0 (00h) in the
Default routine.
5) ALT-V provides a full DOS directory listing, File, Size, Date.
6) The ALT-P routine has been re-written to provide protocol and
baud rate changes up to 9600. Additionally, the com line is no
longer broken when these parameters are changed, thus DTR
support is no longer a problem in any portion of the program.
7) The ALT-D Dial Directory has been rewritten to allow for user
expansion *and* contraction from 4 to 66 pages of 15 entries
each, 990 entries total. Also, you may now go directly to a
desired page, rather than just F(orward) and B(ackward) as
speed up the screen work in this routine also. Sight-impaired
persons who use opticon screen readers, have a problem with
inverse video, which is used in portions of the program. An
embedded command, "Z", in the ALT-D routine, changes inverse
video throughout the program to hi-inten.
8) The cursor and time clock code has been changed to provide a
more robust flicker-free cursor.
9) Provision has been made for adaptive dialing features and
recognition of the the extended return codes used in the US
Robotics, Courier 2400.
10) The Macro system: a) A dial entry number can now be specified
with just the significant characters, i.e. what was say -01,
can now be entered as -1, (or -01, if you want). b) Provision
has been made to allow loading an alternate Altkey file within
a macro. The Type 4 command is used for this, with a letter A-Z
following. c) The code has been improved to provide additional
speed, error trapping, and is now more robust.
11) The entire program has been re-organized in this version to be
compiled with the IBM BASIC COMPILER Version 2.0, including the
development of Subprogram libraries. This permits and will
permit a vastly expanded program now and in the future.
BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA & SOURCES (All files necessary to this pgm are
public domain, except for #1, which is User Supported Software.)
1) PC-TALK III, Ver 3.0, Level 830424: Andrew Fluegelman, The
Headlands Press, P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920
2) PCT3SC.MRG -- Split-Screen: Wes Meier, Source: CIS
3) PCFIX2.MRG -- Automatic switching of comm params for XMODEM:
Author unknown. Source: Gene Plantz, Chicago BBS
4) DSK.BAS, DSK.DOC, DSK.ASM, DSK.OBJ -- Give disk free space
under View File (Alt-V). I've enhanced this to operated in the
file xfer modules & modified it to read over 1mb. Also in this
version, I've added a full DOS directory display. By: Jack
Wright Source: Ben Blackstock, Hawkeye BBS Iowa.
5) Portions of PCT35.MRG & PCT36.MRG -- Used here are: Load/Unload
Alt-1/0 keys from/to a file, Get a new Sub-directory. Several
fixes were made. Also fixed a couple things in the Alt-Key
section, one of which now makes it possible to enter a filename
longer than 3 char. when entering after exiting the dialing
directory. John Chapman, Source: CIS
6) SPLITFIX.MRG, provides for sending multiple lines in Split-
Screen mode, and one fix for Backspace when ECHO is ON, in
split mode. (We made one fix to this mod to prevent crashes in
the compiled ver. when bckspcg beyond position 1 in line 25.)
Also modified code to work with macros re cursor positioning.:
by Dennis Cheves, Source: Tampa IBM-PC BBS.
7) FIX366.MRG: Allows DTR support. When using the older Hayes 1200B
modem which requires a DTR signal at all times, you will not be
disconnected when the program automatically switches comm
parameters, in file xfer modes. Does not fix this problem in
the Alt-P routine. Author: Dan Frank. Source: Gene Plantz
IBBS, Chicago.
8) SKIP GILBRECH: Provided the code forming the basis for enabling
baud rate change, without dropping the com line, in the Alt-P.
9) CRC error checking in XMODEM: Provided a BASIC implementation of
the CCITT standard.: by Walt Kloss under a grant from David
10) I have written the following:
-- New Freeware Notice screen and presentation.
-- New Start-up Screen and Command Summary Menu.
-- New Redial routine with Recycle command 'R' and change
disconnect time ']'.
-- New Hangup routine, Alt-H. New options provision for Manual
-- Function Key timed and character pacing routine, including
ability to access dialing directory and do commands from
macros. Fully automatic sequencing is possible.
-- Access macros from command line.
-- The use of ESC for terminating file transmit and receive modes.
-- Continuous clock displayed on line 25.
-- Improvements in message line handling.
-- Rewrite of the XMODEM file transfer routines, to enable
successful operation in network environments. Also many
enhancements providing more efficiency and sensitivity to the
communications environment. User controllable XMODEM timing in
Receive Mode. Select from 2-70 secs/block, default = 10 secs.
Also, greatly enhanced screen work showing Actual Time, Max
time, & Timing per block, as well as block length. In transmit
mode, manual block resend is possible.
-- Enhanced Free Disk Space to operate in all File modes & to be
automatic in Receive. Also, to show space over 1mb & work with
up to 6 drives (3 previously).
-- New Time Display Module, providing complete Start, Stop and
elapsed times for all file xfers and hhmmss display for Alt-Z.
-- Implementation of the SHELL command in Alt-N and in disk
directory display routines.
-- Many misc. items regarding cleanup and fixes.
I want to thank all the others for the super contributions they have
made to the continuing development of the finest comm program that
ever was!
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) ---
=== Contents ===
To Users of PC-TALK version 2.00 4
Summary of Commands 6
Making Working Copies of PC-TALK 9
Starting PC-TALK 11
=== Screen, Keyboard, and Printing ===
Echo: Alt-E 13
The Width Alarm: Alt-W 13
Printscreen: Shift-PrtSc 14
Simultaneous Printout: Ctrl-PrtSc (or Ctrl-PgUp) 14
Screendump: Alt-S 16
Clearscreen: Alt-C 16
=== Receiving and Transmitting Files ===
Receiving a File: Alt-R (or PgDn) 17
Transmitting a File: Alt-T (or PgUp) 19
The Binary transmit option: '=b ' 20
The Pacing transmit option: '=p ' 21
XMODEM Transmitting and Receiving: '=x ' & '=c' 24
A Note on Communications Terminology 26
=== More File Commands ===
Status Messages: Alt-M 27
Viewing a File & Disk Free Space: Alt-V 28
(See also bottom of Page 18)
Deleting a File: Alt-Y 29
The Logged Drive: Alt-L 29
File Specification Conventions 30
=== Dialing ===
The Dialing Directory: Alt-D 32
Adding to the Directory 34
Other Directory Options 35
Auto-dialing 36
Long Distance Services: '+# ' and '-# ' 36
Manual Dialing: 'm ' 38
Redialing: Alt-Q 38
Stripping and Converting Characters 39
Pacing Instructions 41
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) ---
=== Parameters and Defaults ===
Communications Parameters: Alt-P 44
Program Defaults: Alt-F 45
=== Macros and Input Strings ===
The Function Key Directory: Alt-K (or Alt-J) 52
Using the Function Key Assignments 53
Pacing, Timed & Character 54A
Use of Alt Keys, Alt-1 thru 0. Shift-TAB 55
Directory Display for Alt-1 thru 0 keys. Alt-A 55
Saving & Recalling Alt key assignments: Alt-U, Alt-I 57
=== Miscellaneous Features and Commands ===
Elapsed Time Alt-Z 58
Exit Alt-X 58
Sending a Break Signal Ctrl-End 58
Command Summary Home key 59
Split-Screen operation Cntrl-Home 59
Select another Subdirectory Alt-G 59
Hangup Alt-H 59
Run Silent Alt-B 59
Do DOS Commands Alt-N 59
Using the Command Line 59A
Toggle Commands 60
Clock Display, Update Disable Alt-D 'y' 60
Inverse Video Toggle Alt-D 'z' 60
=== More Applications and Advanced Features ===
XON/XOFF: Alt-O (letter) 60A
Communications Errors: <<>> & <<OVERFLOW>> 60A
=== PC-TALK III File Information ===
Programming Information 63
Copying PC-TALK 64
Modifying PC-TALK 64
Thank You! 66
Appendix A: Communications Parameters 69
Appendix B: The XMODEM Protocol 70
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 6
=== Summary of Commands ===
Home Displays an on-screen summary of these commands.
Ctrl-Home Split-Screen Operation. Keyboard input appears
at bottom of screen. (Hit Esc to erase line.)
Ctrl-PrtSc When activated, simultaneously prints all
(or Ctrl-PgUp) screen output to the printer. (Toggle)
Ctrl-End Sends a 'Break' signal to the remote computer.
Shift-PrtSc Prints current screen contents at any time.
Shift-TAB Permits programming of keys Alt-1 through Alt-0
as temporary input while the program is running.
Alt-A Directory Display for Alt keys 1 thru 0.
Alt-B Run Silent, almost... Audible signals are still
provided in the event of errors, invalid or,
illegal events.
Alt-C Clears the screen.
Alt-D Calls up the Dialing Directory. Permits
storing parameters for 60 phone numbers and
Alt-E When activated, Echoes keyboard input to the
Alt-F Permits temporary or permanent changes to the
program defaults.
Alt-G Select another Subdirectory on the same drive.
Alt-H Hangup: Disconnects from telephone line.
Alt-I Programs the contents of a Temp Alt Key file to
the designated Alt keys 1 thru 0.
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 7
Alt-J Calls up the Function Key Directory. Permits
(or Alt-K) specifying up to 40 Function key combinations
to input permanent i.d. #s and logon
Alt-L Changes the Logged drive for file specifications.
Alt-M When activated, sends status Messages as part
of the transmit and receive routines.
Alt-N Do Dos Commands. This feature makes use of the
DOS SHELL command.
Alt-O Permits re-starting transmission manually when
the remote computer has sent an XOFF signal.
Alt-P Permits changing the communications Parameters.
Alt-Q Redials the last number dialed. "R" to recycle,
Space Bar to Terminate, Alt-D to directly access
Dialing Directory, "]" to change Time-Delay-
before-disconnect, plus 3 options to temporarily
change disconnect time. Allows fast recycling.
Alt-R Starts routines to Receive input from the
(or PgDn) communications port to files on disk. Sub-
commands allow display of disk directory and
free space. Press ESC to terminate.
Alt-S Writes contents of the screen to a file
DMP.PCT on the Logged drive.
Alt-T Starts routines to Transmit files from disk
(or PgUp) through the communications port. Can also
obtain disk free space & disk directory. Press
ESC to terminate.
Alt-U Stores the contents of the Temp Alt Keys 1 thru 0
in disk file.
Alt-V Starts/stops routine to View a file which has
been saved to disk. Gives disk free space.
Alt-W Sets an optional Width alarm for keyboard input.
Alt-X Exits the program and returns to DOS.
Alt-Y Permits deleting a file from disk.
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 8
Alt-Z Displays the elapsed time for the current call.
ESC Aborts all file xfer routines & Macros.
File Specification Commands:
/ or /+[spec] - When given as response to a file specification,
? or ?+[spec] lists files currently on logged or specified
drive. Wild card characters * and ? are
allowed. ? may be used in place of /.
<space> - When given as response to file specification,
re-inputs the last file Transmitted, Received,
or Viewed.
<Enter> - When given as response to file specification,
cancels Transmit, Receive, View, & Delete routines.
=p[n][z] - When added to the end of a Transmit file
specification, paces transmission one line at a
time--either every n seconds or after the wait-for
prompt character (z) is received.
=b - When added to the end of a Transmit file
specification, permits transmitting file in
binary format.
=c =x - When added to the end of a Transmit or Receive
file specification, invokes the XMODEM error-
checking protocol. Communications parameters are
automatically changed to the required No parity,
8 data bits & 1 Stop bit. When '=x' is used,
error checking is done via Checksum, and when
'=c' is used error checking is done via CRC.
Note: When you are the Sender, it doesn't matter
which you use, since the Receiver will determine
which protocol to use... CRC has priority.
=c[n] =x[n] Used with RECEIVE via XMODEM mode. n is a number
between 2 & 70, which controls block timing. For
use with networks, & where long pauses may occur.
Default for n = a timing of 10 seconds/block.
Tab - Pressing while receiving via Xmodem allow you to
change timing. See Text before attempting to use.
\ M - The '\' is used to manually resend the current
block during Xmodem UPLOADS, when the msg.
'Waiting...' appears. 'M' can be used to reset
the 'Max Time' indicator, during DOWNLOADS.
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 8A
Special Characters Used in Strings (Macros): (For F-Keys & Alt-1/0 Keys)
| - Switch Character: Used to indicate the beginning of
a string segment within a macro. The next character
must a Type no. 1-5. Can be changed in Defaults.
~ - (Tilde) Time Delay Character. The character and
the time can be changed in the Defaults.
} - Signifies a carriage return as part of the string.
Subcommands Used in String (Macro) Editing:
<space><Enter> - Clears a previously specified string.
<Enter> - Leaves a previously specified string unchanged.
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 8B
The PC-TALK III Version C, Level 851111 Start-up Screen
| ===== PC-TALK III ===== |
| Experimental Mod Version C. For the use |
| of, and supported by, the IBM PC SIG. |
| Compiled by Jim Gainsley (SysOp) 76703,1007|
| Licensed for posting by written agreement |
| with The Headlands Press, Inc. |
| |
| PRESS: <Home>: For Command Summary. |
| <Alt-E>: If you cannot see |
| your keyboard input. |
| <Ctrl-Home>: Split-Screen ON/OFF |
| (Toggle). Use <ESC> |
| to erase line & the |
| <CR> substitute to |
| send multiple lines. |
| |
| DOS 2.1 & up |
| Level 851111 |
The PC-TALK III Version C, Level 851111 Command Summary
|Shft-PrtSc=Prnt Scrn ^PgUp=Contin Prnt|
| =x =c XMODEM '=p' Pacing '=b' Binary |
| Shft-TAB- Set/Clear Temp Alt Keys |
| Alt-A Disp Alt-1/0 Alt-B Silent |
| Alt-C Clearscreen Alt-D Dial Nmbr|
| Alt-E Echo Toggle Alt-F Defaults |
| Alt-G Get a New Subdirectory |
| Alt-H Hang up (Disconnect) |
| Alt-I Set Alt-1/0 from file |
| Alt-J Set/Clear Func Keys (Alt-K) |
| Alt-L Chge Def Drv Alt-M Messages |
| Alt-N Do DOS Cmd Alt-P Com Parms |
| Alt-Q Redial Nmbr Alt-R Recv File |
| Alt-S Screendump Alt-T Xmit File |
| Alt-U Unload Alt-1/0 to file |
| Alt-V View a File & Show Free Space |
| Alt-W Set Margin Width Alarm |
| Alt-X eXit to DOS |
| Alt-Y Delete a File Alt-Z Time |
|Ctrl-End = Send Sustained Break Signal|
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 18
characters as they are being received, you can specify those
characters with the Strip option described below.
PC-TALK can receive binary files without any special file
receiving specification. You do have to be careful, however, to
open and close your file for receiving so that you do not receive
any extraneous characters or messages from the remote computer.
The recommended procedure for receiving binary files is to have
the Message option (described below) ON for the receiving
computer and OFF for the transmitting computer and for the
transmitting computer operator to give the receiving computer
ample time to open and close the file.
Please note also that if you want to receive a binary file, you
must not have any stripping in effect and must be communicating at
8 data bits. HOWEVER, this is NOT true as regards XMODEM, where
stripping and communications parameter changes are made
(These communications parameters are described below.)
PC-TALK is also capable of receiving files using the XMODEM
error-checking protocol. The use of this protocol is described
separately below.
Disk Free Space & Directory Functions:
After pressing PgDn (or Alt-R), PgUp (or Alt-T), or Alt-V, the
Specification: prompt is presented. The Msg line will show
subcommands available for reading disk directories, free space and
files. Example formats are as follows: (d: stands for any drive
designator, A: B: C: etc.)
You may use a '?' in place of the '/'. However, a '/' is an
unshifted '?', thus one less keystroke.
/ =Directory of logged drive.
// =Directory & free space of logged drive.
/d: =Directory of drive other than logged drive.
/d:/ =Directory and free space of drive other than logged drive.
In PC-TALKC a full DOS style directory is given when the / or ? is
pressed in the above situations.
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 20
ready to send your file, start the Transmit routine (Alt-T or
PgUp), specify the file to be sent, and press <Enter>. None of
the specification prompts you see on your screen will be sent to
the remote computer -- only the text of your file.
**** NOTE RE PC-TALK VERSION B & UP: ESC is used to terminate
all file transfers and NOT Alt-T, R, or PgUp, PgDn.
If the remote computer requires a special character to begin
receipt of the file, it should be sent manually via the keyboard
prior to giving the Alt-T command.
**File Transmitting Options:
PC-TALK offers some advanced transmit options for sending binary
files, for pacing transmission, and for transmitting with an
error-checking protocol. In each case, the option is invoked by
adding an equals sign plus the letters 'b', 'p', 'x', or 'c' to
the end of the file specification. Each of these options is
described below; however, it is recommended that you do not try
these options until you are familiar with the basic features of
the program.
The Binary transmit option: '=b'
PC-TALK permits transmitting binary files (.COM and .EXE files
and BASIC programs not saved in ASCII format). To transmit a
binary file, add '=b' to the end of the transmit file
For example, to transmit the file MYFILE.COM, you would
give the transmit file specification by typing
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 24
XMODEM Transmitting and Receiving: '=x' or '=c'
One of the noteworthy features in PC-TALK III is the inclusion of
the XMODEM protocol originally developed by Ward Christensen.
The purpose of the XMODEM protocol is to guard against
inaccuracies in file transfer caused by bad signals on the
telephone line. It is a "hand-shaking" and error-checking
protocol that ensures accurate transmission and receipt of data
and binary files. The protocol is in wide use today among a
variety of microcomputer systems.
The XMODEM protocol can be used for both transmitting and
receiving files. In each case, you should add '=x' or '=c' to
your file specifications; for example, 'MYFILE.123=x'.
Two forms of error checking are available, Checksum and CRC.
Briefly, Checksum is merely the sum of the ASCII codes of all 128
data characters in the block, while CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
is a complex mathematical function, which is much more sensitive
to data errors than Checksum. In the receive mode, '=x' will use
Checksum, while '=c' will use CRC, if available. In the send
mode, it does not matter which you enter. If the receiver can do
CRC then it will be used, if not, Checksum will be used. Note
that XMODEM is a RECEIVER controlled protocol, that is, the
receiver determines when blocks will be sent and the error
checking method to be used. Many BBS' and networks are not
adapted for the CRC method. This need not be of concern to you,
as the program automatically handles these situations. If you
select CRC and it is not available, a message to that effect will
be given, but you need do nothing. You should note it however, so
that you will not choose it there next time, since a certain
amount of time is wasted in making the determination. The CRC
implementation used is the CCITT standard.
Once you have entered the file spec and pressed <Enter>, you will
see a message indicating that the protocol is in effect and the
notice, "*** Holding for Start..." The rest of the file transfer
occurs automatically.
If you are transmitting, line 25 of the screen will indicate how
many blocks (of 128 bytes) comprise the file. You will see a
message "Sending block # n", followed by the message "- verified"
when the remote computer has successfully received that block.
The file transfer will proceed, block by block, until the end of
the file is reached. The transfer will then terminate
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev 7) --- 26
reasonably assured of a rapid and accurate file transfer.
The XMODEM routine operates automatically. For those who are
interested, a brief technical description of how the file
transfer takes place can be found in Appendix B at the end of
this documentation.
Before leaving the subject of XMODEM, it is appropriate that
acknowledgment be given to Ward Christensen, who originated the
protocol and who has been a landmark pioneer in computer
Advanced Features:
Multi-user networks may have long pauses in transmission. In
order to operate with these, it may be necessary to vary the block
timing in the RECEIVE mode. Since the implementation of XMODEM in
PC-TALK is such that the protocol is receiver driven, i.e. the
receiver controls all transmission, no provision need be made for
the transmit mode, except that if the msg "*** Waiting..." appears,
you may manually resend the current block by pressing the '\' within 2
seconds after the appearance of the msg. However, IT IS HIGHLY
are common in network xfers, so don't be impatient... Let the program
do the work.
may vary this from 2 to 70 seconds by typing the desired time
AS ORDINARY BBS's. Longer periods such as 20 or 30 seconds are common
with networks such as CompuServe, during "busy" periods, when many
"slows" are being experience. (A "slow" is just a term meaning bursts
of characters, with relatively long periods, between them.)
Note however, that provision is made for automatic incrementing of
the block timing. Two steps are provided, 30 secs, and 60 secs.
Decrementing is not provided, nor is it mandatory. In passing it is
to be noted that some BBS's notably IBBS requires that the timing
*at the end of the transfer* be no greater than 4 seconds per block.
Therefore, the timing is automatically reset to 4 seconds at this
point. This also results in a faster termination sequence in all
cases. The effect of long times in block timing, is to prolong error
correction conditions.
The screen gives the time per block, the maximum time for a block,
received up to the current block, a 20-blk moving average, and the
block timing in effect -- all in seconds. If this display indicates
that you are nearing or exceeding the timing you have allowed, you
may change it by pressing TAB and then two digits e.g. 06, 15, etc.
between 02-70, the timing limits. DO NOT PRESS ENTER. The program
WAITS for you to enter these digits, so don't dally! NOTE: Longer
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev 7) --- 26A
times increase the probability of xmission errors, which mean more
blocks needing retransmission and also increase the abort, error and
exit sequence times.
Pressing 'M' in receive mode, will cause the MAX TIME indicator to
be reset to the current block. You may have to hold the key down or
press it several times quickly to achieve the reset.
Note that during Send mode, you cannot alter block timings.
REMEMBER, "IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT!". Timing changes are
automatic. Your intervention should not be necessary except under
unusual conditions or as noted above.
In Xmodem Receive mode, you will be given the total block length
after the first block is received, which information maybe of
interest to some. Information is also presented during the transfer
concerning error conditions. The standard block length is 132 bytes
including the protocol bytes, sometimes called 'overhead', when
Checksum ('=x') is used, and 133 bytes when CRC, ('=c') is used. The
data portion of all implementations is 128 bytes.
A Note on Communications Terminology --
The PC-TALK prompts and documentation generally avoid use of the
words 'uploading' and 'downloading', except where clarity is served. A
convention in the mainframe world has been to use 'uploading' to refer
to transmitting a file to a remote computer and 'downloading' to
refer to receiving a file from a remote computer. In the case of
two microcomputers communicating with each other, the notion of
'up' and 'down' seems less appropriate. However, where these words
are used, they do have the meanings given here.
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 32
=== Dialing ===
The Dialing Directory: Alt-D
The Alt-D command calls up the Dialing Directory, which is one of
PC-TALK'S most useful features. The Directory as supplied can
list up to sixty names and phone numbers, plus communications
parameters and echo, message, stripping and pacing instructions
for each entry. The Directory can be expanded to 990 entries.
The following instructions will first show you how to place names
and phone numbers into the Directory and then describe how to use
the Directory as part of your standard communications routines.
When the Directory is called up for the first time, all entries
will be blank. To add names and phone numbers to the Directory or
to revise the Directory later on, enter 'r' at the "Dial entry
#:" prompt. Then enter the entry number you want to add or revise.
Note: It is not necessary to press <Enter> for any Dial
Directory single-letter command, and it does not matter
whether you use upper or lower case any place in PC-TALK.
Note: In what follows below, pressing <Enter> installs the
parameter or condition then indicated on the screen.
To add/revise entries, type in the name, followed by, and
the phone number (area codes optional), followed by. Up
to 36 characters may be specified for the phone number; only the
rightmost 14 characters will be displayed in the Directory.
You will then be asked whether the communications parameters are
"ok". If say, the screen shows 1200 baud-Even parity-7 data bits-
1 stop bit, and this is acceptable, then type 'y'.
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) 33
(Note: PC-TALKC supports Adaptive Dialing. If you set your baud
rate for 2400 baud, and have a modem that has provides for
"Adaptive Dialing", which means that the modem will automatically
switch to 1200 baud if the remote computer does not support 2400
baud, then PC-TALKC, will also automatically change to 1200 baud.)
If you respond with 'n', you will be asked to specify
communications parameters. The program will not let you dial
using invalid parameters. (If you run into trouble, re-specify
The revise entry routine will then ask whether you want to echo
characters to the screen (common for inter-personal computer
communications, but usually not necessary for public networks
such as CompuServe and the Source), and whether you want to send
status messages as part of the file Receiving and Transmitting
routines (see above). Press <Enter> after responding to each
The routine will then ask whether you want to strip or convert
characters for that entry. It is recommended that you respond
with 'n' unless you have a special applications need. (See the
explanation of the Stripping option below.)
Finally, the routine will ask whether you want to specify a
Pacing instruction for that entry.
If you want to specify a Pacing instruction, enter either a time
delay number or a pacing prompt character in response to the
"Pacing? p=" prompt. Respond with 'n' <Enter>, if you do not want
any pacing in effect for that entry. It is recommended that you
do not specify a Pacing instruction unless you know of a specific
need for it.
If you make an error specifying a directory entry, type 'n'
<Enter> at the final "ok?". You will be taken through the
specification routine again. For each parameter, you can either
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 34
specify a new value or press <Enter> to leave the present value
After you have responded with 'y' to the final "ok?" prompt, the
Directory will clear, showing the new information you input. The
name, phone number, and communications specs will be permanently
stored in a separate file on your program disk named PC-TALK.DIR.
Adding to the Directory --
As indicated above, specifying communications parameters, echo,
message, stripping, and pacing can all be considered advanced
features that need not be dealt with the first time you use the
program. The following example lists the commands for merely
adding a name and phone number to the Directory.
1. Press Alt-D. You will see Page 1 of the Directory displayed
and the prompt "Dial entry #:".
2. Type 'r'. You will see the prompt "Revise/add entry #:".
3. Type '1'. You will see the prompt "Name:".
4. Type the name you want for entry #1 (maximum 20 characters)
followed by <Enter>. You will see the prompt "Phone number:".
5. Type the phone number you want for entry #1 (maximum 36
characters) followed by <Enter>. You will see the prompt
"Communications parameters ok (y/n)?".
6. For this example, the parameters are ok, so type 'y' <Enter>,
or just press <Enter>. You will see the prompt "Echo on (y/n)?".
7. Type 'n' <Enter> or just press <Enter>. You will see the
prompt "Messages on (y/n)?".
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8. Type 'n' <Enter> or just press <Enter>. You will see the
prompt "Strip/convert characters (y/n)?".
9. Type 'n' <Enter> or just press <Enter>. You will see the
prompt "Pacing? p=".
10. Type 'n' <Enter> or just press <Enter>. You will see the
prompt "Is entry #1 ok (y/n)?".
11. Type 'y' <Enter> or just press <Enter>. You will see Page 1
of the Directory re-displayed with the name and phone number
you just entered.
12. Repeat the above steps for each name and phone number you
want to add to the Directory.
Other Directory Options --
Although the Directory has a capacity of sixty entries, the
screen will display only fifteen entries at a time. You can
"page" forward or back through the directory by entering 'f' or
'b', or 'pn' (where 'n' is a page number), at the initial "Dial
entry #:" prompt.
You can dial any entry, regardless of whether it is displayed.
However, you can revise only those entries that are on the
displayed page of the Directory.
If you enter 'c' at the "Dial entry #:" prompt, you have the
option of clearing Directory entry #s within the full range the
existing directory entries, used or not, in the directory. You
will be asked "Are you sure?" before your selected entries are
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 36
Auto-dialing --
The Dialing Directory will automatically dial a Directory entry
if your modem supports this function.
The first time the Directory is called up, you will see a notice
that says "modem dialing command = ATDT". This is the command
used by the D.C. Hayes Smartmodems<tm> for using touch tone dialing.
To specify a different dialing command--such as for pulse dialing
or for another auto-dial modem--enter 'r' to revise the
Directory and then type 'm' at the "Revise/add entry #:"
prompt. Then type your desired dialing command, followed by
<Enter>. (The Smartmodem command for pulse dialing would be
Whatever modem dialing command you specify will be permanently
stored in the Directory file (until revised again).
Once the appropriate dialing command has been entered in the
Directory, you can have the program dial phone numbers
automatically. Simply type the Directory entry # you wish to
call, followed by <Enter>. The phone number listed for that entry
will then be dialed.
Long Distance Services: '+#' and '-#'
The Dialing Directory is also able to route calls through
supplemental long distance services such as Sprint<tm> and
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 37
MCI<tm>. Two different service numbers can be stored in the
Directory, which are listed in the Directory as '+#' and '-#'.
To add a long distance service number to the Directory, type 'r'
at the "Dial entry #:" prompt. Then type '+' or '-' plus
at the "Revise/add entry #:" prompt. You can then
specify a long distance number command.
When entering the long distance number, include both your local
access number and your i.d. number. Separate the two numbers with
your modem's "pause" command indicators (commas on the
Smartmodem) so that your i.d. number will not be input until a
connection with the access number has been made. The long
distance service # might thus appear in the Dialing Directory as:
'987 6543,,,,123456'.
If your long distance service requires a different sequence --
such as inputting your account number following the number dialed
-- you can program a Function key combination for your account
number. See "The Function Key Directory" below.
Once a long distance service # has been entered into the
Directory, it will reside there permanently (until revised) and
display whenever the Directory is called up.
To dial a Directory entry # using the long distance service,
input a '+' or a '-' immediately preceding the desired entry #.
For example, to dial Directory entry #3 using the
service number listed as '+#', you would type '+3'
<Enter> at the "Dial entry #:" prompt.
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Manual Dialing: 'm'
You can also use auto-dialing to call phone numbers not stored in
the Dialing Directory. From the main Dialing Directory prompt,
type 'm' <Enter>. The current Comm params will be displayed & you
will be given options to use or alter them. (Note: if the current
params in effect are different from the default, & if you select
default, call the number and then go to Redial (Alt-Q), you will see
the current params listed on the screen, but the call will be made
with the default params.) A prompt will then ask for the phone number
to be dialed. Type the phone number and press <Enter>, and the number
will be dialed automatically.
As in the Dialing Directory, preceding the phone number with '+'
or '-' will route the call through one of the supplemental long
distance service numbers (if they have been stored in the Directory.)
Expanding and Contracting the DIAL DIRECTORY:
The directory default size is 4 pages of 15 entries each, totaling
60 entries. You may alter this size by selecting the 'S' option.
You will be shown the current number of pages and asked for the new
number of pages. The maximum directory size is 66 pages of 15
entries each or 990 entries. The minimum is 4 pages. You cannot
change the number of entries per page.
NOTE: If you have entries on a page and you elect to contract the
directory, such that that page is eliminated, then the entries on it
will be lost. You may not select a smaller size than 4 pages. The
number of pages selected in all cases -- expand or contract -- begin
with page 1.
Redialing: Alt-Q
If you have a Hayes Smartmodem<tm>, the last phone number you
have dialed can be redialed at any time by pressing Alt-Q, which
calls into effect the Redial routine.
The routine will display the time the Redial routine was started,
the time the current "pass" started, elapsed time, and the number of
the pass, and the no. of seconds into the pass. The redial delay
period, or cycle length which was set in the Default table, can be
changed for a redial session by pressing ' ] ' when in Redial. This
allows faster cycling when telephone conditions permit. (This delay
does not affect the internal modem delay in register S7.) You are
also given 3 options for temporarily altering the delay, which thus
allow even faster recycling, increasing your chances of connecting.
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 38A
When a connection is made, the program will sound a 2-note alarm
twice, and show with whom you are connected. If a macro is in
progress, execution will continue, otherwise you are returned to the
terminal mode. You can exit from the auto-redial routine at any time
before a connection is made by pressing the space bar. You can cause
an immediate recycle at anytime during a pass by pressing 'R'.
You may go directly to Redial from normal dial. The first pass
will automatically abort the in-progress normal dial sequence.
Pressing the space bar will not hangup if connect has occurred.
Pressing Alt-D anytime in the redial sequence takes you to the
Dialing Directory.
You can adapt the Redial routine for longer or shorter delays, or
for other modems with auto-dialing features, from within the
Default routine described below.
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 44
=== Parameters and Defaults ===
Communications Parameters: Alt-P
It is not necessary that you understand communications protocols
to use PC-TALK, but you might find it helpful to read the brief
explanation of communications parameters included as Appendix A
at the end of this documentation.
Pressing Alt-P at any time while the program is running will call
up a menu which allows you to set the communications parameters
to one of four options.
The most common parameters for personal computer communications
is 1200 baud, even parity, 7 data bits, and 1 stop bit (option
3). These parameters transmit text files as ASCII characters.
To transmit binary data, you should communicate with 8 data bits
(option 4). This option is also used to transmit "high-bit"
encoded files (such as Wordstar<tm> formatted text files).
Options 1 and 2 will transmit text and binary files at 300 baud,
while Options 5,6 = 2400 baud, 7,8 = 4800 baud, and 9,10 = 9600.
Option "F" of the Communications Parameters menu permits you to
reset the parameters to those specified as the program Defaults
(see below).
If you want to specify parameters other than one of the four
options, you should first press 'x' to exit to the terminal mode
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 45
and then invoke the Default routine by pressing Alt-F.
**Applications and Advanced Features:
If either you or the remote computer is receiving unintelligible
information on the screen, you are probably using different
communications parameters. Sometimes you will be able to change
the parameters while communications are in progress, but it may
cause a break in communications, depending on the system you are
calling and the modems in use.
If you specify 8 data bits, (even-numbered options), your modem
might not give intelligible result codes. Also, if you transmit
text files using the even-numbered options, as is required to
transmit re-formattable Wordstar<tm> files, your screen may
display unintelligible characters during transmission. The file
is being transmitted accurately, however.
Program Defaults: Alt-F
The "defaults" of a program are those values that the program
assumes every time it is started. PC-TALK makes a number of such
assumptions, which can be changed at any time while the program
is running by pressing Alt-F.
When you press Alt-F, the screen will clear and you will see a
list of the present program defaults. They are as follows:
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 46
Baud Rate 1200 Screendump File B:DMP.PCT
Parity N Redial Delay 28
Data Bits 8 Connect Prompt CONNECT
Stop Bits 1 Line 25 Help Y
Echo N Foreground 7
Messages N Background 0
Strip #1 000 High Inten. 15
Replace #1 0 Print Port LPT1:
Strip #2 0 Print Init
Replace #2 0 Print Width 80
Strip #3 0 Comm. Port COM1:
Replace #3 0 Comm. Init. ,CS,DS
Pacing p= Modem Init.
Logged Drive B: Modm Init Cntd
Margin Width 70 Modem De-init.
Macro Dly Time 3.0 Rsvd
Macro Dly Char ~ Rsvd
Macro Separator | Rsvd
C/R Subst. } Rsvd
Snd LF (term'l) N Rsvd
An explanation of each follows:
Baud rate 300
Parity E
Data bits 7
Stop bits 1
These are the four communications parameters described
previously. The permissible baud rates are 75, 110, 150, 300,
600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, and 9600. Parity may be E(ven),
O(dd), S(pace), M(ark), or N(one). Data bits may be 4, 5, 6, 7,
or 8. Stop bits may be 1 or 2.
Note: If you specify 8 data bits, you must specify N parity. Do
not experiment with any of these values unless you have a
specific application.
Echo N
Messages N
The default is to have both the Echo and Message functions
inactive at program startup. To have either function be active,
enter 'Y'.
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 47
Note that both functions can be controlled by the Alt-E and Alt-M
keys, regardless of how the defaults are set.
Strip #1 000
Replace #1 0
Strip #2 0
Replace #2 0
Strip #3 0
Replace #3 0
These defaults provide the opportunity to strip and/or replace
characters as they are received from the remote computer.
The "Strip #" values are the ASCII values of the characters
to be stripped or converted and the corresponding "Replace #"
values indicate the ASCII characters to replace them.
A 0 (zero) Strip value indicates that no character is to be
stripped or converted. A 0 (zero) Replace value indicates that
the strip character is to be replaced by a null (no character).
HOWEVER, if three 0's are used, as in 'Strip #1' above, then it
means that ASCII 0, also called NUL, is to be stripped. You may
not use 000 as a replace character.
The values listed in this menu are only the default values for
program startup. Stripping can be put into effect via the
Dialing Directory, as described in detail above. Stripping is an
advanced feature that should not be used without a specific
application in mind.
Pacing p= ''
This gives you the opportunity of specifying a default pacing
instruction, as explained previously. This default is overridden
by whatever pacing instructions may be put into effect through
the Dialing Directory. The symbol '' indicates a null entry.
Logged drive B:
Margin Width 70
Both of these default values can be controlled by the Alt-L and
Alt-W commands described previously.
Please note that all of the above defaults can be controlled
independently through program commands. The values listed in the
Default menu represent only the values the program assumes at
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 48
In contrast, the following defaults can be set only from within the
Default menu.
Macro Dly Time 3.0
Macro Dly Char ~
Macro Separator |
These three defaults are used in making up Macros. The Delay Time is
in seconds and may be any numeric value up to 32,000 seconds. See
the section in Input Strings and Macros, for a complete discussion.
C/R subst. }
This final default specifies which character is to be used to
indicate carriage returns when defining Function key and Alt key
input strings (see below). This character may be changed at will
without altering the actual input string.
Snd LF (term'l) N
This option if set to 'Y', will cause Line Feed characters (ASCII
010) to be sent whenever a carriage return character (ASCII 013),
is sent when in the terminal mode. This may be necessary in
communicating with some mainframe computers. It has no effect
during file transfer routines.
Screendump file B:DMP.PCT
This is the specification of the file that is written to when
Alt-S is pressed to activate the Screendump function.
Redial delay 28
This pertains to the Alt-Q Redial function. The "Redial
delay" governs the length of time between re-dial attempts (in
seconds). Note however, that if your modem has 'dial tracking',
that is, can respond to a busy signal, by issuing a return code of
"BUSY", then that will have priority over the Redial Delay time.
See your modem manual.
Connect prompt CONNECT
This must be set to the return code your modem issues when a
connect is established. This is used in several places in the
program. You may use the 'extended' codes 'CONNECT 1200' etc.,
though it generally is not necessary for proper operation of the
program. Note that it is probably better to use just word than the
extended numerical portion. In developing macros, it is
less constraining to key on the final "T" than on the final "0" in
the extended codes, since "0"'s are often used in the phone number.
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 49
Line 25 help Y
This default governs whether the brief prompt on line 25 of the
screen is displayed. To turn off the prompt, enter 'N'.
Foreground 7
Background 0
High inten. 15
These three values determine how characters are displayed on the
screen. If you have a color monitor, you can substitute color
values as explained in the IBM BASIC manual. Be careful that you
don't assign the same value to Foreground and Background!
Print port LPT1:
Print init. ''
Print width 80
These three values govern the use of the printer. You can
specify 'LPT2:' as an optional printer port, if that is where
your printer is connected.
The "Print init." default permits you to send characters to the
printer for alternate character fonts. The "Print width"
specifies how many columns per line the printer will handle.
For example, to print in condensed type at 132 columns
per line on the IBM Matrix Printer, enter <Ctrl>-O (oh)
as the Print init. value and '132' as the Print width.
Comm. port COM1:
Comm. init. ,CS,DS
The first of these defaults permits you to specify 'COM2:' as the
communications port.
The second default disables checking of the "Clear to Send" and
"Data Set Ready" signals when the communications port is opened.
This default should not be changed unless you have a specific
application. Consult the IBM BASIC Manual under the OPEN "COM...
statement for details.
Modem Init. (Example:) ATS7=99S8=1
Modm Init Cntd. (") S10=10S0=0X4
Modem De-init. (") ATZ
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 50
The first to provide the ability to send the modem an string to
initialize it. The second entry is simply a continuation of the
CHARACTERS, "AT" in the case of the Hayes and Courier 2400. The
examples are merely to illustrate possible entries.
The last five entries marked, 'Rsvd' are reserved for future
The procedure for entering new default values is simple. When
you first call up the Default menu, the cursor will be paused
next to the default for the baud rate. You can enter new values
for all the defaults or leave them unchanged as follows:
-- If you want to enter a value, type the new value and then
press <Enter>.
-- If you want to leave the value unchanged, simply press <Enter>.
-- If you want to enter a null (blank) value, type <space> <Enter>.
When you do not want to change any more values, type <Esc> <Enter>.
(Pressing the <Esc> key will display a small left arrow on the
You will then be asked whether the new values you entered are ok.
If you do not respond with 'y', you will exit the Default routine
and all of the old defaults will remain in effect.
If you indicate that the new values are ok, you will be asked
whether you want to make the changed default values permanent.
If you respond 'y', your changes will be written to a file called
PC-TALK.DEF. The new values will be put into effect, and they
will become the new default program values the next time PC-TALK
is run.
If you do not want to make the changes permanent, your new values
will be put into effect, but the old values will remain as the
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 52
=== Input Strings (Macros) ===
The Function Key Directory: Alt-J or Alt-K
One of PC-TALK's other powerful features is the Function Key
Directory, which is called up by pressing Alt-K, or Alt-J (to
accommodate users of the KEYNOTE program.)
The Function Key Directory permits you to assign permanent
strings of up to 126 characters to the ten Function keys F1
through F10, and to the combinations of Alt-, Shift-, and Ctrl-
F1 through F10. A total of forty keys can thus be assigned
permanent strings, which can be used to input i.d. numbers, logon
sequences, frequently-used phrases and other text with a single
keystroke. Also, they may be used to execute selected PC-TALK
commands, initiate calls by accessing the dialing directory, and do
both timed and character pacing, i.e. strings are not sent until a
certain time has elapsed, or until a certain character appears on
your screen.
The information in the Function Key Directory is stored in a file
called PC-TALK.KEY and is loaded every time PC-TALK is run.
The first time the Function Key Directory is called up, you will
see that the keys F1 through F10 have no strings assigned to
them. To program a key (or to revise a previously programmed
key), press 'r' at the first prompt. You will then be asked to
specify which Function key (1 through 10) you wish to revise.
Type the appropriate number and hit <Enter>.
You will then be prompted to enter the string you want to assign
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 54A
You can include control characters (ASCII 0 through 31) as part
of the input string. The program will display these characters
as their highlighted letter equivalents (e.g., an ASCII 12 will
be displayed as a highlighted letter 'L').
You can change the character used as the carriage return
substitute from the right curly bracket to any other character
from within the Default specification routine. This carriage
return substitute only affects how the string is specified and
how it is displayed on the screen; the program always stores a
"real" carriage return (ASCII 13). Thus, you can switch back and
forth using different characters as the substitute.
Macro Formats:
An Input String or MACRO as we shall call them here can have two
basic formats:
1) A regular line of text which may include all characters in any
sequence from ASCII 1 to 127, except ASCII 124, the vertical bar '|'.
When the '}' is used, it represents a carriage return/line feed
sequence as stated above.
2) A formatted macro is one containing one or more '|', which is used
as a special formatting character. There are 5 Types of sequences,
which we will call segments. The segment type is denoted by the number
1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, which must follow a '|'. You may freely intermix
segment types within a macro, except that a Type 4 segment may only
follow a Type 3 segment. The ~ (tilde) will call a 3 second time
delay, when used in the first OR second position, but not both, of a
Type 2 or the first position of a Type 5, as will be explained below.
The contents of each segment is strictly limited as follows:
Type 1: Used for dialing directory entries. The format is as
|1nnn or |1-nnn or |1+nnn
where the | indicates the beginning of the segment, the 1
indicates the segment type. You may then enter up to
four characters, the first one of which must be a + or -
service designator, if applicable. The next 3 are the
dial directory entry number, from 1 - 990, (or the
maximum for which your directory is configured). Leading
0's need not be included, but are accepted.
Type 2: Used for Timed and Character pacing, and sending strings of
data such as test etc. to the other computer. Formats may
be as follows:
|2:data or |2~data or |2?~data
the | and 2 indicate beginning and type number. The next
character indicates the character to wait-for or to pace
upon, unless it is a ~, in which case a 3 second delay is
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 55
produced (timed pacing), before the data string that
follows is sent. In the first example the string "data"
will not be sent until the remote computer has sent a ':'.
In the third case the string 'data' will not be sent until
a '?' has been received from the remote computer. This
initiates a three second delay, after which, the string
'data' is sent. (A carriage return indicator (}) need not
follow the last character of the string, unless you want a
carriage return/line feed. TILDES (~) MAY ONLY BE USED IN
TO BE SENT. (A subcommand is provided to allow extension
of the time delay if desired, or you may program a series
of |2~ segments without limit. The Tilde can't be used as
a Wait-for character. The 3-sec delay can be changed in
the Default section (Alt-F).
Type 3: Used for doing commands. The following commands may be
accessed: Alt- B,C,E,G,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,T,V,X,Y,Z. Format
is as follows:
|3Z or |3C
The | and 3 indicate start and type number, and the
CAPITAL letter indicates the commands (upper or lower
case). Self-completing commands such as Alt-C & Z etc.
will be fully executed. Non-self completing commands
such such as Alt- G, I, L, N, R, T, V, etc. will proceed
to the first point at which keyboard entry is expected.
You must then complete the sequence, by 1) entering the
filename and pressing Enter etc. After the command has
completed, the rest of the macro will again be in control.
OR, 2) Programming a Type 4 segment described next.
Type 4: Call a Filename from the Alt-1/0 keys. The format is:
n = one of the Alt-1/0 keys, e.g. |47 would call the data
in Alt-7. A Type 4 segment may only follow a Type 3
segment. n may be only 1 digit, if you use more than one
digit, only the first will be used and you will then get
an error msg. if any segments remain. A Type 4 segment is
only valid for the file commands, Alt-G, I, L, N, R, T, V.
This powerful feature allows you to completely automate
the xfer of files or viewing of a file. To use this
feature you must first install a filespec in one or more
of the Alt-1/0 keys (the Shift-Tab command). Any standard
DOS 2.0 filespec format is acceptable, except paths. &
MUST include the PC-TALK extensions =x, =b, =p, etc., if
you are going to use them. Do not put a <cr> (}) after a
filenmae, it isn't necessary.
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev 7) --- 55A
Special Feature:
1) By using the Alt-I command in a Macro, you can call and load
another Alt-1/0 file that has previously been made either in
your WP or with the Alt-U command. Thus, you may chain and
loop. If an Alt-1/0 file called PC-TALK.ALT exists when
PC-TALK is booted, it will be automatically loaded.
If the command line which boots the program, calls an F-Key
which has a macro that in turn does a |3I|4n, where n is an
Alt-1/0 key containing the filename of another Alt-1/0 file,
then that file will be called to replace the one then in
effect, (in this example, PC-TALK.ALT).
2) If the Alt-I command is used in a macro (|3I) a Type 4
command having the format: |4x may be used, where 'x' is a
letter A-Z, in order to load an ALT file having the name
PC-TALKx.ALT, where the 'x' is a letter A-Z used in the
|4x format.
Example: An ALT file called PC-TALKD.ALT can be loaded by
a macro which includes:
Note that NO error checking is done on the Type 3 to make
sure that it is |3I, so if you try |3G etc. -- you're
gonna be in big trouble!!!
Type 5: Send a Plain String Immediately. The format is:
This is the equivalent of an unformatted input string,
that can be used inside a Macro. When a Type 5 segment is
encountered the program immediately sends the characters
which follow, up to the next |. You may use the ~ as the
first character to produce a delay if desired. In this
respect it is like a Type 2 segment.
Error Checking:
Each segment is checked for errors in protocol as it is sent, and if
an error in format or type is found, the msg "ABORT: INVAL MACRO TYPE"
is given, followed by the msg., "MACRO TERMINATED". If you have
chosen a command not allowed or a directory number is not entered
properly, the msg., "INVALID NUMBER OR COMMAND", followed by,
"MACRO TERMINATED" is given. Any error detected terminates the macro.
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev 7) --- 55B
NOTE: The Vertical Bar (|) may not be used in any manner other than
indicated above and may not be a part of a data string. The Tilde
(~), may not be used for character pacing (the wait-for character).
The Tilde may be used in a data string in Type 2 & 5 segments
provided that it is NOT:
In Type 2: a) Used as the first character. b) Used as the second
character, if it is used as the first character.
In Type 5: a) Used as the first character.
A blank space (ASCII 32) may be used for character pacing,
which will in most cases produce immediate sending of the data string.
It may also of course be a part of the data string in the Type 2 & 5
segments. Tildes & blanks are not allowed in Types 1, 3, & 4 segments,
which are restricted to the formats shown above. MACROS CANNOT BE
NESTED i.e. you can't call one from another. An Alt-1/0 key may not
contain a | if it to be called from a macro already running.
Note that both the '|' and the '~' characters can be changed in the
Alt-F Defaults routine, as well as the time given by the tilde.
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 56
The timing character can be changed in the default file to any
character you wish. It is called F-Key Dly Char: (bottom right).
Pressing ']' during a timing sequence cause another time period to be
Pressing ESC will terminate a macro.
What happens if you either don't know the prompt to expect or the
expected prompt doesn't appear or is different from what you expected?
Easy, in the first case simply either build in dummy prompts. In all
cases, when the program is waiting hit '{' and the next segment will
be sent. IMPORTANT: The '{' will cause only the current segment to be
sent, i.e. up to the next |.
To test a new string, simply hit the F-Key, then type the expected
characters and the string will "play" out. (Modem must be on.)
Programmers Note: The program looks at the last 4 characters
printed to the screen for the prompt character.
Example 1:
|11|2T~^C|2:777777,777}|2:pass*word}|2!G PCS131}
Logs you onto CompuServe and takes to the IBM SIG with one keystroke.
Macro dials directory entry #1, waits for 3 sec. after seeing the T
in CONNECT, then sends a control-C, waits for a colon two times, and
the ! the next, sending respectively, i.d., password & GO command.
Example 2: (Typical BBS) Macro located in function key F1.
(Blanks are not allowed as partitions in macros. Blanks in Type 2 & 5
strings are ok. Double or Single Quotes have no special meaning in
ASSUME: Hayes Modem set to echo CONNECT 1200. The number and info for
the BBS is stored in directory entry #5 and that a special service is
to be used, that the tel no. has a 0 in it. A BBS requiring 2 <cr>'s
before commencing. The 1rst question Can Your Term. Disp Lower Case? A
? being the wait-for character. A download using Xmodem. The FILESPEC
being located in Alt-6. THEN: When the command line at bootup is
given as PC-TALKC F1, or, when program is already in operation and the
function key F1 is pressed the following will occur.
Dials Directory entry #5 using the '-' special service. Passes the 0
in the Tel no. Sees the 0 in CONNECT 1200 & sends delay allowing BBS
to prepare. Sends delay and 1rst <cr>. Sends delay and 2nd <cr>.
Answers the first question Yes, (Can Display Lower Case?). Waits for ?
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 56A
and sends first name, waits for ? & sends last name. Waits for ? &
sends password. Waits for ? and selects Files section. Waits 2 delay
periods for BBS to cycle menus, one of which may have a ? mark in it
which we need to bypass. Waits for ? & sends D;FILESPEC. Waits for ?
for mode selection, gives delay to allow BBS to cycle & then sends X
(Xmodem), then gives delay to allow BBS to cycle. Then calls for Alt-R
(Recv File). Then gets FILESPEC from Alt-6. Download then proceeds to
automatic completion.
Note: If your macro does not play out as you expect, chances are that
your wait-for character is appearing in an unexpected place. The ways
around that are to either provide delay segments or dummy wait for
segments that merely pass the wait-for character without sending
Variable Length Fields:
You may insert a "break" in the string, enter whatever you wish from
the keyboard and then, using the '{' Send subcommand, have the rest
of the string continue. Simply enter a wait-for character that you
are not likely to receive, say a little used cntrl code like Cntrl-
(ASCII 31). The program wait for a character which will never come.
You may type what you wish (except the {), then type the '{'.
A new user of the program does not need to have the PC-TALK.KEY
file on his/her disk. If the program does not locate PC-TALK.KEY
on the program disk, it will initialize and create a new blank
Function key file. The same is true for the file PC-TALK.DIR,
which contains the information used by the Dialing Directory.
Temporary Alt Keys: Alt-1 through Alt-0:
In addition to the permanent Function key combinations described
above, the ten key combinations Alt-1 through Alt-0 can be used
for temporary custom input while communications are in progress.
Pressing Shift-TAB during communications will display a prompt on
line 25 of the screen, asking for the key to be used. Type any of
the numbers 1 through 0. (Pacing features also apply.) Originally,
Alt-= was used for this function. This was changed due to
interference with Prokey.
You will then be prompted to enter the temporary string for that
Alt key. All keystrokes entered subsequently will input text for
that key, until you press <Enter> (maximum 50 characters).
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 56B
As with the Function key assignments described above, you can use
a right curly bracket '}' to include a carriage return as part of
the temporary string. Control characters will be displayed as
their highlighted letter equivalents.
When a temporary Alt key has been assigned, the program will
display the first seven characters of the programmed input on
line 25 of the screen and return to normal keyboard operation.
Once an Alt key 1 through 0 has been assigned, pressing it will
send the assigned string, just as though it had been typed from
the keyboard.
The Alt keys can also be used to input filespecs, and commands for
use with Alt-N.
You can change an Alt key assignment at any time by pressing
Shift-TAB, followed by the number of the key to be respecified and
the new assignment.
If you want to clear a key, press Shift-TAB, the number of the
key, and then type <space> <Enter>. If no Alt-key assignments
are in effect, the display on line 25 will disappear.
**NOTE the difference between these Alt key assignments and the
Function key assignments described above:
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 57
The Alt-1/0 keys can be easily reprogrammed during communications
and are displayed on line 25 of the screen. You may also view the
Alt Key Directory at anytime by pressing Alt-A. This makes them
convenient for holding temporary input strings needed for quick
reference. However, the Alt-key assignments are not saved when
the program is terminated, unless you save them with Alt-U.
To permanently save the temporary Alt-key 1 thru 0 assignments in
a file, press Alt-U. You will be asked for a filename. It is good
practice to use the extension .ALT for these files. To recall
them from such a file, press Alt-I and give the filename. If you
create a file called PC-TALK.ALT, it will automatically be loaded
each time you boot PC-TALK. To create PC-TALK.ALT, simply program
an Alt-1/0 key, press Alt-U and give the filename PC-TALK.ALT.
Note, though you may have as many Alt Key files as you wish, only
a file called PC-TALK.ALT will be automatically loaded at boot time.
Programmers Note:
An Alt Key file is an ASCII text file consisting of up to 10 lines
of not more than 50 characters each and enclosed in double quotes.
Each line must be terminated with a CR/LF. It may if desired be
prepared by a word processor. Each line represents an Alt key,
beginning at 1. (The numbers 1-10 are not to be included.)
The Function key assignments are stored permanently on
disk and reloaded each time PC-TALK is run. This makes them
convenient for storing id numbers and logon sequences. When
making changes to the Function Keys or Alt Keys, your keystrokes
are not output to the communications channel.
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 59
Command Summary: Home key
An on-screen summary of all the PC-TALK program commands described
above can be displayed at any time by hitting the Home key.
Split-Screen: Cntrl-Home (Toggle)
All keyboard input from you appears on the bottom line of the screen
in place of the message line, while all input from remote computer
appears above. Press ESC to erase the line. You may divide the
line into any number of sub-lines by terminating each sub-line with
the carriage return substitute character, usually the '}'. Each
time the <cr> is pressed one sub-segment will be sent. To discontinue
the mode press Cntrl-Home again. Alt-C does not erase line 25. Macros
can be sent (F-Keys/Alt-1/0) while in split mode.
Select another Subdirectory: Alt-G
Permits selection of subdirectories and the use of path commands, on
the current logged drive only. (<cr> to cancel.)
Hangup: Alt-H
Causes the modem to disconnect. When connected, it is necessary
to gain the modem's attention in order to give it commands. This
process requires a 1 second silent 'guard' time, 3 '+' signs and
another 1 second silent guard time. The hangup routine looks for
the 'return codes' sent by the modem to signify command execution.
It will try the sequence up to 4 times, in the event there was a
disturbance during the guard times. The command given is 'ATH0'.
In a normal sequence, you will hear 2 tones, if the attempt is
successful. However, hangup may occur even if the 2 tones are not
heard, be sure to check the CD lite on your modem if failure of the
sequence is indicated. A failure of the sequence is a perfectly
normal occurrence, most usually caused by characters entering
the buffer during the guard times.... Just try again.
Run Silent: Alt-B
This is a toggle command, and causes all audible tones to be silenced,
except in the case of an error event or an invalid or illegal
Do DOS Commands: Alt-N
This is an advanced feature, which allows you to do any DOS command.
Alt-N uses the SHELL command to accomplish this. An explanation of
the SHELL command is beyond the scope of this manual. A complete
explanation can be found in your DOS manual. You may run your
favorite word processor, spreadsheet etc. via this feature. You can
even via the CTTY function, allow your computer to be operated by a
MODE.COM and this has been locked out for 'normal' use, since using
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 59A
the MODE command while on-line can dump you. However, advanced
users can access these by entering 'COMMAND' at the Alt-N prompt.
When you enter COMMAND<cr>, will be dropped into DOS and will see
the DOS prompt appear. To return to the program, type EXIT<cr>. In
all other cases, where COMMAND is not used, you will re-enter
PC-TALK after completion of the DOS command or the program you've
called for.
Do NOT use quotes around your command. Also, you may not run another
BASIC program, or call BASIC(A).
Example: Do DOS Command: C:\WS <--- Will run WordStar
Do DOS Command: COMMAND CTTY <--- Provides remote
operation of your
computer by another.
Using the Command Line:
You may call a macro located in one of the 40 Function key positions
by typing at the DOS prompt, for example A>PC-TALK F1. F = function
key positions from F1-10, A = Alt-F1/10, S = Shft-F1/10, and C =
Cntrl-F1/10. The following are examples of valid formats which
must follow PC-TALK and be separated from it by a space:
F0 a7 c3 f4 S0
Note: Use 0 wherever 10 is wanted, e.g. f0 = f10.
Only 1 macro may be called on the command line, e.g. PC-TALKC F4 C3
is invalid.
The command line parameter must consist of ONE of the letters
F,A,S, or C, & followed immediately by one digit.
To further reduce keystrokes, you may use these in a batch file
called P.BAT for example, as follows: Let's also assume you have
ProKey Ver 3.0, which must be disabled. Also that the macro is
located in function key F4, & Drive A: is where PC-TALK resides & is
the current or default drive.
The batch file would have the following lines,
PK /S+
PK /S-
At the DOS A> prompt type: P F4 and press <cr>.
If you want to make a batch file to always do a specific thing
located say in function key Alt-F10. Your batch file might look like
this: (NOTE: Use 0 wherever 10 is wanted.)
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 60
PK /S+
PK /S-
You would now at the A> prompt type: P
In both illustrations the batch file would first disable ProKey and
then call PC-TALKC, in the first case using the typed parameter F4 &
in the second, using the batch contained parameter A0. Upon exiting
PC-TALKC, the batch file would re-enable ProKey.
Clock Display:
A continuous time display is given on Line 25 during times when the
'standard msg' line is displayed. Refresh is roughly every 20
seconds. Note: The update can be disabled by doing Alt-D, then
typing 'y' at the prompt. Do it again to restore the refresh. In
any event, the clock is updated, whenever the standard message is
restored to line 25.
Toggle Commands:
The following keys toggle on/off their respective functions.
Alt-E Echo Alt-M Messages
Alt-V View * Ctrl-PrtSc Printout
Cntrl-Home Split-Screen operation Alt-B Run Silent
* Alt-V will ask for a Specification. Press <cr> to exit.
Inverse Video Switch:
For those who do not desire the use of inverse video, a toggle is
provided that converts inverse video to hi-intensity. Do Alt-D,
then type 'Z'. To restore inverse, do the same thing again.
=== More Applications and Advanced Features ===
Even though this section is described as "advanced," the
following information should be of interest to all users of the
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---
--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 60A
PC-TALK supports the sending of XON/XOFF signals to the remote
computer in the event of a communications buffer overflow (see
below), and will trap for XON/XOFF signals sent by the remote
computer during transmission of files. The default XON signal is
ASCII 17; the default XOFF signal is ASCII 19.
If the remote computer sends an XOFF signal during transmission
of a file, the symbol "<<XOFF>>" will be displayed highlighted on
the screen until the remote computer sends an "XON" signal, at
which time transmission will resume automatically. If transmis-
sion has been halted, it may be resumed manually by typing Alt-O
(the letter 'oh') at the keyboard.
Communications Errors: <<>> and <<OVERFLOW>>
PC-TALK will indicate certain types of errors if they occur during
communications. If there is an ambient signal on the line, the
program will display the symbol '<<>>' in high intensity. This
stands for Basic Error 57, Device I/O Error. It says that one or
more of 4 types of errors have occurred, overrun, parity, framing
or a break signal. In simple language, some incoming data is
unusable. Communications will not be interrupted in most cases.
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 61
The <<>> should put you on notice that you are sending or
receiving corrupted data. On a very noisy line, you may see the
symbol repeatedly. You should disconnect and try for a better
With some modems, including the Hayes Smartmodem<tm>, you may
see the <<>> symbol when communications are first opened. This
should not be a cause for concern, provided you do not see the
symbol once communications are in progress.
PC-TALK opens a communications buffer for receiving data through
the communications port. In most cases, the program should be
able to process data as fast as it is received. If the
communications buffer does fill faster than the program can
handle the incoming data, you will see the symbol <<OVERFLOW>> on
the screen. The program will then try to recover, by sending an
XOFF signal to the remote computer, processing the contents of
the buffer, and then sending an XON signal. Of course the overflow
condition will not be remedied by this action if the remote computer
doesn't support the XON/XOFF protocol. The Buffer size is 5120 bytes.
If you are trying to perform simultaneous printout at 1200 baud,
your printer will probably not be able to keep up and eventually
the buffer will overflow. PC-TALK will attempt to recover by
turning off the print feature.
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--- PC-TALK III User's Guide (Rev. 7) --- 63
The first time PC-TALK III is run, the program looks for four support
files. If it does not find them, the files will be created on
the drive containing the program, at the time they are required.
PC-TALK.DIR -- The file that stores Dialing Directory information.
PC-TALK.KEY -- The file that stores Function Key information.
PC-TALK.DEF -- The file that stores Default Menu information.
PC-TALK.ALT -- The file that stores data for Alt keys 1 thru 0.
This file must be created by the user. If it exists
it will be automatically loaded at boot time. It is
not required.
PC-TALKx.ALT -- An Altkey file similar to PC-TALK.ALT, but
containing a letter A-Z in the 'x' position, which
enables it to be automatically loaded via a macro
command of the type |3I|4x. This file is not
--- FREEWARE - P.O. Box 862, Tiburon, CA 94920 ---